General Catalog 2022-2023 
    Feb 25, 2025  
General Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Credits

Transfer of Credits to James Sprunt Community College

A transfer student is an applicant who has previously attended or enrolled in any other college, university, technical college, or post‐secondary institution. If transfer credit is desired, official transcripts must be submitted for evaluation. Credits earned at a regionally accredited institution will be awarded, provided a grade of “C” or better was obtained, towards the chosen program of study and catalog year requirements.

A student who changes programs after classes have begun must request for their transcript to be reviewed for additional credits. Students who have not been enrolled for 2 consecutive semesters (not counting summer) would be placed in a new catalog year upon reapplying. A student’s academic advisor can recommend substitution of courses with adequate cause. Substitution forms must be signed off on by the Advisor, Department Head, and the Vice President of Curriculum.

Most courses can be counted for credit toward graduation for an indefinite period of time. Some courses that depend heavily on technology, speed and accuracy, physical skills, and language skills will be subject to review after five years unless the student has been continuously enrolled. A list of these classes will be kept in the Registrar’s office. The Department Head may request that students provide evidence of course skills before credits would be applied. This evidence could come from a proficiency test, current job duties, or some form of assessment deemed appropriate by the Department Head. See section on Graduation Requirements for more information.

Credits may be allowed for work based on the Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Credit for USAFI and DANTES courses may be granted where appropriate to the student’s curriculum and where a comparable course is offered by James Sprunt Community College. USAFI courses will be evaluated on the basis of the current catalog of the American Council on Education located at Subject Standardized Test scores will be evaluated and credit granted where appropriate based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education. Final acceptance or rejection of any credit will be determined by James Sprunt Community College.

Placement into courses shall be determined for transfer students who are tested in the same way placement is determined for entering freshman. Therefore, students who transfer to James Sprunt Community College shall be given the College’s entrance test battery unless:

  1. He/she has an earned degree at the associate level or higher.
  2. He/she has credit for the first English and Math courses in his/her program at James Sprunt Community College.

Students with international academic credentials should have all transcripts evaluated by an independent agency that provides such services. You may contact the Admission’s Specialist in Student Services for a list of companies. Then present the official evaluated transcript for processing.

See section on Associate Degree Nursing for transfer requirements in that program.

Foreign Transcripts

Foreign transcripts must be evaluated and translated (if applicable), by a current member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services ( ) or a current member of the Association of International Credential Evaluators ( ). Completed evaluations, along with copies of the original transcript(s), should be sent directly from the evaluation agency to JSCC Admissions. If the evaluation is sent directly to the student, in order for it to be considered official, it must remain in the original sealed envelope. Once opened, it is no longer considered official.

Transfer Credits from James Sprunt Community College

Credits earned at James Sprunt Community College are transferable to many four‐year institutions and student advisors will assist in planning. However, it is the responsibility of the student to determine what courses and credit will transfer to the receiving institution. Changes in a student’s major field of study or his/her choice of a senior institution may result in transfer issues. Such changes should be made only after careful study and consultation with an advisor or counselor and the institution in which the students intends to transfer.

The acceptance of courses taken at James Sprunt Community College is determined solely by the institution to which the student transfers. The transferring student should:

  1. Decide early which institution he/she wishes to attend and the intended major or program of study to pursue. Then contact that institution for recommendations concerning appropriate courses.
  2. Obtain a current copy of the catalog of that institution for entrance requirements and application deadlines.
  3. Confer with his/her faculty advisor and/or the Counselor’s in Student Services at James Sprunt Community College about transfer plans.
  4. Check a minimum of two semesters in advance of transferring to ensure that all necessary requirements are being completed.

Credit earned at James Sprunt Community College may be transferred to similar programs at other institutions in the North Carolina Community College System. The courses or programs transferable to any institution will vary. It is the responsibility of the individual seeking to transfer credits to determine exactly what will transfer. Students are advised that, although transfer credits and grades may be acceptable by James Sprunt Community College, this does not infer acceptance by other educational institutions. For additional information, contact the Registrar or the Vice President of Curriculum.

See section on General Education for further information on transfer programs.